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DP Srivastava, KM Woolfrey, PD Evans

The effects of the steroid hormone 17脦虏-estradiol and the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on neuronal physiology have been well investigated. Numerous studies have demonstrated that each signal can exert powerful influences on the structure and function of synapses, and specifically on dendritic spines, both within short and long time frames. Moreover, it has been suggested that BDNF is required for the long-term, or genomic, actions of 17脦虏-estradiol on dendritic spines, via its ability to regulate the expression of neurotrophins. Here we focus on the acute, or rapid effects, of 17脦虏-estradiol and BDNF, and their ability to activate specific signalling cascades, resulting in alterations in dendritic spine morphology. We first review recent literature describing the mechanisms by which 17脦虏-estradiol activates these pathways, and the resulting alterations in dendritic spine number. We then describe the molecular mechanisms underlying acute modulation of dendritic spine morphology by BDNF. Finally, we consider how this new evidence may suggest that the temporal interactions of 17脦虏-estradiol and BDNF can occur more rapidly than previously reported. Building on these new data, we propose a novel model for the interactions of this steroid and neurotrophin, whereby rapid, non-genomic 17脦虏-estradiol and acute BDNF signal in a co-operative manner, resulting in dendritic spine formation and subsequent stabilization in support of synapse and circuit plasticity. This extended hypothesis suggests an additional mechanism by which these two signals may modulate dendritic spines in a time-specific manner.

+view abstract Neuroscience, PMID: 23246844 2013

MJ Sale, SJ Cook

Tumour cells typically exhibit a G(1) cell cycle arrest in response to the MEK1/2 [mitogen-activated protein kinase/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase 1/2] inhibitor selumetinib, but do not die, and thus they acquire resistance. In the present study we examined the effect of combining selumetinib with the BH3 [BCL2 (B-cell lymphoma 2) homology domain 3]-mimetic BCL2 inhibitor ABT-263. Although either drug alone caused little tumour cell death, the two agents combined to cause substantial caspase-dependent cell death and inhibit long-term clonogenic survival of colorectal cancer and melanoma cell lines with BRAF(V600E) or RAS mutations. This cell death absolutely required BAX (BCL2-associated X protein) and was inhibited by RNAi (RNA interference)-mediated knockdown of BIM (BCL2-interacting mediator of cell death) in the BRAF(V600E)-positive COLO205 cell line. When colorectal cancer cell lines were treated with selumetinib plus ABT-263 we observed a striking reduction in the incidence of cells emerging with acquired resistance to selumetinib. Similar results were observed when we combined ABT-263 with the BRAF(V600E)-selective inhibitor PLX4720, but only in cells expressing BRAF(V600E). Finally, cancer cells in which acquired resistance to selumetinib arises through BRAF(V600E) amplification remained sensitive to ABT-263, whereas selumetinib-resistant HCT116 cells (KRAS(G13D) amplification) were cross-resistant to ABT-263. Thus the combination of a BCL2 inhibitor and an ERK1/2 pathway inhibitor is synthetic lethal in ERK1/2-addicted tumour cells, delays the onset of acquired resistance and in some cases overcomes acquired resistance to selumetinib.

+view abstract The Biochemical journal, PMID: 23234544 2013

KB Boyle, LR Stephens, PT Hawkins

Upon infection of the respiratory system with the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus various leukoctytes, in particular neutrophils, are recruited to the lung to mount an immune response. Neutrophils respond by both phagocytosing conidia and mediating extracellular killing of germinated, invasive hyphae. Of paramount importance to an appropriate immune response is the neutrophil NADPH oxidase enzyme, which mediates the production of various reactive oxygen species (ROS). This is evidenced by the acute sensitivity of both oxidase-deficient humans and mice to invasive aspergillosis. Herein we briefly review the mechanisms and functions of oxidase activation and discuss our recent work identifying at least some of the important players in hyphal-induced oxidase activation and neutrophil function. Among these we define the phosphoinositide 3-kinase enzyme and the regulatory protein Vav to be of critical importance and allude to a kinase-independent role for Syk.

+view abstract Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, PMID: 23230839 2012

Open Access
Coupland P, Chandra T, Quail M, Reik W, Swerdlow H Epigenetics,Genomics

We have developed a sequencing method on the Pacific Biosciences RS sequencer (the PacBio) for small DNA molecules that avoids the need for a standard library preparation. To date this approach has been applied toward sequencing single-stranded and double-stranded viral genomes, bacterial plasmids, plasmid vector models for DNA-modification analysis, and linear DNA fragments covering an entire bacterial genome. Using direct sequencing it is possible to generate sequence data from as little as 1 ng of DNA, offering a significant advantage over current protocols which typically require 400-500 ng of sheared DNA for the library preparation.

+view abstract BioTechniques, PMID: 23227987 2012

Open Access
MC Domart, TM Hobday, CJ Peddie, GH Chung, A Wang, K Yeh, N Jethwa, Q Zhang, MJ Wakelam, R Woscholski, RD Byrne, LM Collinson, DL Poccia, B Larijani Signalling,Lipidomics

The functions and morphology of cellular membranes are intimately related and depend not only on their protein content but also on the repertoire of lipids that comprise them. In the absence of in vivo data on lipid asymmetry in endomembranes, it has been argued that motors, scaffolding proteins or integral membrane proteins rather than non-lamellar bilayer lipids such as diacylglycerol (DAG), are responsible for shaping of organelles, local membrane curvature and fusion. The effects of direct alteration of levels of such lipids remain predominantly uninvestigated. Diacylglycerol (DAG) is a well documented second messenger. Here we demonstrate two additional conserved functions of DAG: a structural role in organelle morphology, and a role in localised extreme membrane curvature required for fusion for which proteins alone are insufficient. Acute and inducible DAG depletion results in failure of the nuclear envelope (NE) to reform at mitosis and reorganisation of the ER into multi-lamellar sheets as revealed by correlative light and electron microscopy and 3D reconstructions. Remarkably, depleted cells divide without a complete NE, and unless rescued by 1,2 or 1,3 DAG soon die. Attenuation of DAG levels by enzyme microinjection into echinoderm eggs and embryos also results in alterations of ER morphology and nuclear membrane fusion. Our findings demonstrate that DAG is an in vivo modulator of organelle morphology in mammalian and echinoderm cells, indicating a fundamental role conserved across the deuterostome superphylum.

+view abstract PloS one, PMID: 23227247 2012

Open Access
S Seisenberger, S Andrews, F Krueger, J Arand, J Walter, F Santos, C Popp, B Thienpont, W Dean, W Reik

Genome-wide DNA methylation reprogramming occurs in mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) and preimplantation embryos, but the precise dynamics and biological outcomes are largely unknown. We have carried out whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (BS-Seq) and RNA-Seq across key stages from E6.5 epiblast to E16.5 PGCs. Global loss of methylation takes place during PGC expansion and migration脗聽with evidence for passive demethylation, but sequences that carry long-term epigenetic memory (imprints, CpG islands on the X chromosome, germline-specific genes) only become demethylated upon entry of PGCs into the gonads. The transcriptional profile of PGCs is tightly controlled despite global hypomethylation, with transient expression of the pluripotency network, suggesting that reprogramming and pluripotency are inextricably linked. Our results provide a framework for the understanding of the epigenetic ground state of pluripotency in the germline.

+view abstract Molecular cell, PMID: 23219530 2012

Open Access
Mitchell JA, Clay I, Umlauf D, Chen CY, Moir CA, Eskiw CH, Schoenfelder S, Chakalova L, Nagano T, Fraser P Genomics

In addition to protein coding genes a substantial proportion of mammalian genomes are transcribed. However, most transcriptome studies investigate steady-state mRNA levels, ignoring a considerable fraction of the transcribed genome. In addition, steady-state mRNA levels are influenced by both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms, and thus do not provide a clear picture of transcriptional output. Here, using deep sequencing of nuclear RNAs (nucRNA-Seq) in parallel with chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) of active RNA polymerase II, we compared the nuclear transcriptome of mouse anemic spleen erythroid cells with polymerase occupancy on a genome-wide scale. We demonstrate that unspliced transcripts quantified by nucRNA-seq correlate with primary transcript frequencies measured by RNA FISH, but differ from steady-state mRNA levels measured by poly(A)-enriched RNA-seq. Highly expressed protein coding genes showed good correlation between RNAPII occupancy and transcriptional output; however, genome-wide we observed a poor correlation between transcriptional output and RNAPII association. This poor correlation is due to intergenic regions associated with RNAPII which correspond with transcription factor bound regulatory regions and a group of stable, nuclear-retained long non-coding transcripts. In conclusion, sequencing the nuclear transcriptome provides an opportunity to investigate the transcriptional landscape in a given cell type through quantification of unspliced primary transcripts and the identification of nuclear-retained long non-coding RNAs.

+view abstract PloS one, PMID: 23209567 2012

Woodhouse S, Pugazhendhi D, Brien P, Pell JM

Tissue generation and repair requires a stepwise process of cell fate restriction to ensure that adult stem cells differentiate in a timely and appropriate manner. A crucial role has been implicated for Polycomb-group (PcG) proteins and the H3K27me3 repressive histone mark in coordinating the transcriptional programmes necessary for this process, but the targets and developmental timing for this repression remain unclear. To address these questions, we generated novel genome-wide maps of H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 in freshly isolated muscle stem cells. These data, together with the analysis of two conditional Ezh2-null mouse strains, identified a critical proliferation phase in which Ezh2 activity is essential. Mice lacking Ezh2 in satellite cells exhibited decreased muscle growth, severely impaired regeneration and reduced stem cell number, due to a profound failure of the proliferative progenitor population to expand. Surprisingly, deletion of Ezh2 after the onset of terminal differentiation did not impede muscle repair or homeostasis. Using these knockout models and the RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq datasets, we show that Ezh2 does not regulate the muscle differentiation process in vivo. These results emphasise the lineage and cell-type-specific functions of Ezh2 and Polycomb repressive complex 2.

+view abstract Journal of cell science, PMID: 23203812 2013

A Bayliss, PD Evans

Little is known about the evolutionary relationship between vertebrate adrenergic receptors and invertebrate octopamine and tyramine receptors. The complexity of the adrenergic signalling system is believed to be an innovation of the vertebrate lineage but the presence of noradrenaline has been reported in some invertebrate species. The cephalochordate, amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae), is an ideal model organism for studying the evolution of vertebrate GPCRs, given its unique position at the base of the chordate lineage. Here, we describe the pharmacological characterisation and second messenger coupling abilities of AmphiAmR4, which clusters with 脦卤芒鈥氣-adrenergic receptors in a phylogenetic tree but also shares a high sequence similarity to invertebrate octopamine/tyramine receptors in both BLAST and Hidden Markov Model analyses. Thus, it was of particular interest to determine if AmphiAmR4 displayed similar functional properties to the vertebrate 脦卤芒鈥氣-adrenergic receptors or to invertebrate octopamine or tyramine receptors. When stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, noradrenaline couples the receptor to both the activation of adenylyl cyclase and to the activation of the MAPKinase pathway. Pharmacological studies with a wide range of agonists and antagonists suggest that AmphiAmR4 functions as an 脦卤芒鈥氣-adrenergic-like receptor when expressed in CHO cells.

+view abstract Invertebrate neuroscience : IN, PMID: 23183848 2013

Open Access
Finlay DK, Rosenzweig E, Sinclair LV, Feijoo-Carnero C, Hukelmann JL, Rolf J, Panteleyev AA, Okkenhaug K, Cantrell DA Immunology

mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) controls transcriptional programs that determine CD8+ cytolytic T cell (CTL) fate. In some cell systems, mTORC1 couples phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) and Akt to the control of glucose uptake and glycolysis. However, PI3K-Akt-independent mechanisms control glucose metabolism in CD8+ T cells, and the role of mTORC1 has not been explored. The present study now demonstrates that mTORC1 activity in CD8+ T cells is not dependent on PI3K or Akt but is critical to sustain glucose uptake and glycolysis in CD8+ T cells. We also show that PI3K- and Akt-independent pathways mediated by mTORC1 regulate the expression of HIF1 (hypoxia-inducible factor 1) transcription factor complex. This mTORC1-HIF1 pathway is required to sustain glucose metabolism and glycolysis in effector CTLs and strikingly functions to couple mTORC1 to a diverse transcriptional program that controls expression of glucose transporters, multiple rate-limiting glycolytic enzymes, cytolytic effector molecules, and essential chemokine and adhesion receptors that regulate T cell trafficking. These data reveal a fundamental mechanism linking nutrient and oxygen sensing to transcriptional control of CD8+ T cell differentiation.

+view abstract The Journal of experimental medicine, PMID: 23183047 2012

Open Access
David DC Signalling

For all organisms promoting protein homeostasis is a high priority in order to optimize cellular functions and resources. However, there is accumulating evidence that aging leads to a collapse in protein homeostasis and widespread non-disease protein aggregation. This review examines these findings and discusses the potential causes and consequences of this physiological aggregation with age in particular in relation to disease protein aggregation and toxicity. Importantly, recent evidence points to unexpected differences in protein-quality-control and susceptibility to protein aggregation between neurons and other cell types. In addition, new insight into the cell-non-autonomous coordination of protein homeostasis by neurons will be presented.

+view abstract Frontiers in genetics, PMID: 23181070

Open Access
L Gambardella, KE Anderson, Z Jakus, M Kov谩cs, S Voigt, PT Hawkins, L Stephens, A M贸csai, S Vermeren

ARAP3, a GTPase activating protein for Rho and Arf family GTPases, is one of many phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase (PI3K) effectors. In this study, we investigate the regulatory input of PI3K upstream of ARAP3 by analyzing neutrophils from an ARAP3 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain point mutation knock-in mouse (R302, 303A), in which ARAP3 is uncoupled from activation by PI3K. ARAP3 PH domain point mutant neutrophils are characterized by disturbed responses linked to stimulation by either integrin ligands or immobilized immune complexes. These cells exhibit increased 脦虏2 integrin inside-out signaling (binding affinity and avidity), and our work suggests the disturbed responses to immobilized immune complexes are secondary to this. In vitro, neutrophil chemotaxis is affected in the mutant. In vivo, ARAP3 PH domain point mutant bone marrow chimeras exhibit reduced neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum on induction of sterile peritonitis and also reduced inflammation in a model for rheumatoid arthritis. The current work suggests a dramatic regulatory input of PI3K into the regulation of 脦虏2 integrin activity, and processes dependent on this, by signaling through its effector ARAP3.

+view abstract Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), PMID: 23180820 2013

K Kruse, S Sewitz, MM Babu

Experimental techniques for the investigation of three-dimensional (3D) genome organization are being developed at a fast pace. Currently, the associated computational methods are mostly specific to the individual experimental approach. Here we present a general statistical framework that is widely applicable to the analysis of genomic contact maps, irrespective of the data acquisition and normalization processes. Within this framework DNA-DNA contact data are represented as a complex network, for which a broad number of directly applicable methods already exist. In such a network representation, DNA segments and contacts between them are denoted as nodes and edges, respectively. Furthermore, we present a robust method for generating randomized contact networks that explicitly take into account the inherent 3D nature of the genome and serve as realistic null-models for unbiased statistical analyses. By integrating a variety of large-scale genome-wide datasets we demonstrate that meiotic crossover sites display enriched genomic contacts and that cohesin-bound genes are significantly colocalized in the yeast nucleus. We anticipate that the complex network framework in conjunction with the randomization of DNA-DNA contact networks will become a widely used tool in the study of nuclear architecture.

+view abstract Nucleic acids research, PMID: 23175602 2013

Open Access
G Kelsey, R Feil

Fundamental to genomic imprinting in mammals is the acquisition of epigenetic marks that differ in male and female gametes at 'imprinting control regions' (ICRs). These marks mediate the allelic expression of imprinted genes in the offspring. Much has been learnt about the nature of imprint marks, the times during gametogenesis at which they are laid down and some of the factors responsible especially for DNA methylation. Recent work has revealed that transcription and histone modifications are critically involved in DNA methylation acquisition, and these findings allow us to propose rational models for methylation establishment. A completely novel perspective on gametic DNA methylation has emerged from epigenomic profiling. Far more differentially methylated loci have been identified in gametes than known imprinted genes, which leads us to revise the notion that methylation of ICRs is a specifically targeted process. Instead, it seems to obey default processes in germ cells, giving rise to distinct patterns of DNA methylation in sperm and oocytes. This new insight, together with the identification of proteins that preserve DNA methylation after fertilization, emphasizes the key role played by mechanisms that selectively retain differential methylation at imprinted loci during early development. Addressing these mechanisms will be essential to understanding the specificity and evolution of genomic imprinting.

+view abstract Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, PMID: 23166397 2013

Open Access
Seisenberger S, Peat JR, Hore TA, Santos F, Dean W, Reik W Epigenetics

In mammalian development, epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation patterns, play a crucial role in defining cell fate but also represent epigenetic barriers that restrict developmental potential. At two points in the life cycle, DNA methylation marks are reprogrammed on a global scale, concomitant with restoration of developmental potency. DNA methylation patterns are subsequently re-established with the commitment towards a distinct cell fate. This reprogramming of DNA methylation takes place firstly on fertilization in the zygote, and secondly in primordial germ cells (PGCs), which are the direct progenitors of sperm or oocyte. In each reprogramming window, a unique set of mechanisms regulates DNA methylation erasure and re-establishment. Recent advances have uncovered roles for the TET3 hydroxylase and passive demethylation, together with base excision repair (BER) and the elongator complex, in methylation erasure from the zygote. Deamination by AID, BER and passive demethylation have been implicated in reprogramming in PGCs, but the process in its entirety is still poorly understood. In this review, we discuss the dynamics of DNA methylation reprogramming in PGCs and the zygote, the mechanisms involved and the biological significance of these events. Advances in our understanding of such natural epigenetic reprogramming are beginning to aid enhancement of experimental reprogramming in which the role of potential mechanisms can be investigated in vitro. Conversely, insights into in vitro reprogramming techniques may aid our understanding of epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and supply important clues in reprogramming for therapies in regenerative medicine.

+view abstract Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, PMID: 23166394 2013

FM Drawnel, D Wachten, JD Molkentin, M Maillet, JM Aronsen, F Swift, I Sjaastad, N Liu, D Catalucci, K Mikoshiba, C Hisatsune, H Okkenhaug, SR Andrews, MD Bootman, HL Roderick

Inositol 1,4,5'-triphosphate receptor II (IP(3)RII) calcium channel expression is increased in both hypertrophic failing human myocardium and experimentally induced models of the disease. The ectopic calcium released from these receptors induces pro-hypertrophic gene expression and may promote arrhythmias. Here, we show that IP(3)RII expression was constitutively restrained by the muscle-specific miRNA, miR-133a. During the hypertrophic response to pressure overload or neurohormonal stimuli, miR-133a down-regulation permitted IP(3)RII levels to increase, instigating pro-hypertrophic calcium signaling and concomitant pathological remodeling. Using a combination of in vivo and in vitro approaches, we demonstrated that IP(3)-induced calcium release (IICR) initiated the hypertrophy-associated decrease in miR-133a. In this manner, hypertrophic stimuli that engage IICR set a feed-forward mechanism in motion whereby IICR decreased miR-133a expression, further augmenting IP(3)RII levels and therefore pro-hypertrophic calcium release. Consequently, IICR can be considered as both an initiating event and a driving force for pathological remodeling.

+view abstract The Journal of cell biology, PMID: 23166348 2012

Lopez-Clavijo AF, Barrow MP, Rabbani N, Thornalley PJ, O'Connor PB Lipidomics

Glycation by endogenous dicarbonyl metabolites such as glyoxal is an important spontaneous post-translational (PTM) modification of peptides and proteins associated with structural and functional impairment. The aim of this study was to investigate types and site of PTM of glyoxal-derived advanced glycation end-products-in the neuropeptide substance P by ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR), mass spectrometry, and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments. The main site of PTM by glyoxal was the side chain guanidine moiety of the arginine residue. Binding site identification has been achieved by electron capture dissociation, double-resonance electron capture dissociation, and collision-activated dissociation, with assignment of the modified amino acid residue with mass error <1 ppm.

+view abstract Analytical chemistry, PMID: 23163806 2012

Open Access
J von Eichborn, M Dunkel, BO Gohlke, SC Preissner, MF Hoffmann, JM Bauer, JD Armstrong, MH Schaefer, MA Andrade-Navarro, N Le Novere, MD Croning, SG Grant, P van Nierop, AB Smit, R Preissner Signalling

We created SynSysNet, available online at http://bioinformatics.charite.de/synsysnet, to provide a platform that creates a comprehensive 4D network of synaptic interactions. Neuronal synapses are fundamental structures linking nerve cells in the brain and they are responsible for neuronal communication and information processing. These processes are dynamically regulated by a network of proteins. New developments in interaction proteomics and yeast two-hybrid methods allow unbiased detection of interactors. The consolidation of data from different resources and methods is important to understand the relation to human behaviour and disease and to identify new therapeutic approaches. To this end, we established SynSysNet from a set of 芒藛录1000 synapse specific proteins, their structures and small-molecule interactions. For two-thirds of these, 3D structures are provided (from Protein Data Bank and homology modelling). Drug-target interactions for 750 approved drugs and 50 000 compounds, as well as 5000 experimentally validated protein-protein interactions, are included. The resulting interaction network and user-selected parts can be viewed interactively and exported in XGMML. Approximately 200 involved pathways can be explored regarding drug-target interactions. Homology-modelled structures are downloadable in Protein Data Bank format, and drugs are available as MOL-files. Protein-protein interactions and drug-target interactions can be viewed as networks; corresponding PubMed IDs or sources are given.

+view abstract Nucleic acids research, PMID: 23143269 2013

Open Access
D Karali, D Oxley, J Runions, N Ktistakis, T Farmaki Signalling,Mass Spectrometry

A direct interaction of the Arabidopsis thaliana immunophilin ROF1 with phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate was identified using a phosphatidylinositol-phosphate affinity chromatography of cell suspension extracts, combined with a mass spectrometry (nano LC ESI-MS/MS) analysis. The first FK506 binding domain was shown sufficient to bind to both phosphatidylinositol-phosphate stereoisomers. GFP-tagged ROF1 under the control of a 35S promoter was localised in the cytoplasm and the cell periphery of Nicotiana tabacum leaf explants. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Arabidopsis thaliana root tips verified its cytoplasmic localization and membrane association and showed ROF1 localization in the elongation zone which was expanded to the meristematic zone in plants grown on high salt media. Endogenous ROF1 was shown to accumulate in response to high salt treatment in Arabidopsis thaliana young leaves as well as in seedlings germinated on high salt media (0.15 and 0.2 M NaCl) at both an mRNA and protein level. Plants over-expressing ROF1, (WSROF1OE), exhibited enhanced germination under salinity stress which was significantly reduced in the rof1(-) knock out mutants and abolished in the double mutants of ROF1 and of its interacting homologue ROF2 (WSrof1(-)/2(-)). Our results show that ROF1 plays an important role in the osmotic/salt stress responses of germinating Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings and suggest its involvement in salinity stress responses through a phosphatidylinositol-phosphate related protein quality control pathway.

+view abstract PloS one, PMID: 23133621 2012

Samant RS, Workman P Signalling

+view abstract Nature, PMID: 23075983 2012

Open Access
VB Ta, MJ de Bruijn, L Matheson, M Zoller, MP Bach, H Wardemann, H Jumaa, A Corcoran, RW Hendriks

Mice deficient for the adapter protein Slp65 (also known as Blnk), a key component in precursor-BCR (pre-BCR) signaling, spontaneously develop pre-B cell leukemia. In these leukemias, proliferation is thought to be driven by constitutive Jak3/Stat5 signaling, mostly due to autocrine production of IL-7, together with high surface expression of the pre-BCR. In this study, we investigated whether particular IgH specificities would predispose Slp65-deficient pre-B cells to malignant transformation. Whereas V(H)-D-J(H) junctions were diverse, we found highly restricted Ig V(H) gene usage: 55 out of 60 (~92%) leukemias used a V(H)14/SM7-family gene, mainly V(H)14-1 and V(H)14-2. When combined with surrogate or conventional L chains, these V(H)14 IgH chains did not provide increased proliferative signals or exhibit enhanced poly- or autoreactivity. We therefore conclude that pre-BCR specificity per se did not contribute to oncogenic transformation. Remarkably, in a high proportion of Slp65-deficient leukemias, the nonexpressed IgH allele also harbored a V(H)14-family rearrangement (10 out of 50) or was in the germline configuration (10 out of 50). V(H)14-1 and V(H)14-2 gene regions differed from their neighboring V(H) genes in that they showed active H3K4me3 histone modification marks and germline transcription at the pro-B cell stage in Rag1-deficient mice. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that in Slp65-deficient mice, malignant transformation is largely limited to particular pre-B cells that originate from pro-B cells that had restricted IgH V(H) region accessibility at the time of V(H)-to D-J(H) recombination.

+view abstract Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), PMID: 23066158 2012

R Adalbert, MP Coleman Signalling

'Dying back' axon degeneration is a prominent feature of many age-related neurodegenerative disorders and is widespread in normal ageing. Although the mechanisms of disease- and age-related losses may differ, both contribute to symptoms. Here, we review recent advances in understanding axon pathology in age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and glaucoma. In particular, we highlight the importance of axonal transport, autophagy, traumatic brain injury, and mitochondrial quality control. We then place these disease mechanisms in the context of changes to axons and dendrites that occur during normal ageing. We discuss what makes ageing such an important risk factor for many neurodegenerative disorders and conclude that the processes of normal ageing and disease combine at the molecular, cellular or systems levels in a range of disorders to produce symptoms. Pathology identical to disease also occurs at the cellular level in most elderly individuals. Thus, normal ageing and age-related disease are inextricably linked and the term 'healthy ageing' downplays the important contributions of cellular pathology. For a full understanding of normal ageing or age-related disease we must study both processes.

+view abstract Neuropathology and applied neurobiology, PMID: 23046254 2012

Open Access
Danso-Abeam D, Staats KA, Franckaert D, Van Den Bosch L, Liston A, Gray DH, Dooley J Immunology

The autoimmune regulator (Aire), mediates central tolerance of peripheral self. Its activity in thymic epithelial cells (TECs) directs the ectopic expression of thousands of tissue-restricted antigens (TRAs), causing the deletion of autoreactive thymocytes. The molecular mechanisms orchestrating the breadth of transcriptional regulation by Aire remain unknown. One prominent model capable of explaining both the uniquely high number of Aire-dependent targets and their specificity posits that tissue-specific transcription factors induced by Aire directly activate their canonical targets, exponentially adding to the total number of Aire-dependent TRAs. To test this "Hierarchical Transcription" model, we analysed mice deficient in the pancreatic master transcription factor pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (Pdx1), specifically in TECs (Pdx1(螖Foxn1) ), for the expression and tolerance of pancreatic TRAs. Surprisingly, we found that lack of Pdx1 in TECs did not reduce the transcription of insulin or somatostatin, or alter glucagon expression. Moreover, in a model of thymic deletion driven by a neo-TRA under the control of the insulin promoter, Pdx1 in TECs was not required to affect thymocyte deletion or the generation of regulatory T (Treg) cells. These findings suggest that the capacity of Aire to regulate expression of a huge array of TRAs relies solely on an unconventional transcriptional mechanism, without intermediary transcription factors.

+view abstract European journal of immunology, PMID: 23041971 2013

Open Access
CE Senner, F Krueger, D Oxley, S Andrews, M Hemberger Epigenetics,Bioinformatics

Embryonic (ES) and epiblast (EpiSC) stem cells are pluripotent but committed to an embryonic lineage fate. Conversely, trophoblast (TS) and extraembryonic endoderm (XEN) stem cells contribute predominantly to tissues of the placenta and yolk sac, respectively. Here we show that each of these four stem cell types is defined by a unique DNA methylation profile. Despite their distinct developmental origin, TS and XEN cells share key epigenomic hallmarks, chiefly characterized by robust DNA methylation of embryo-specific developmental regulators, as well as a subordinate role of 5-hydroxymethylation. We also observe a substantial methylation reinforcement of pre-existing epigenetic repressive marks that specifically occurs in extraembryonic stem cells compared to in vivo tissue, presumably due to continued high Dnmt3b expression levels. These differences establish a major epigenetic barrier between the embryonic and extraembryonic stem cell types. In addition, epigenetic lineage boundaries also separate the two extraembryonic stem cell types by mutual repression of key lineage-specific transcription factors. Thus, global DNA methylation patterns are a defining feature of each stem cell type that underpin lineage commitment and differentiative potency of early embryo-derived stem cells. Our detailed methylation profiles identify a cohort of developmentally regulated sequence elements, such as orphan CpG islands, that will be most valuable to uncover novel transcriptional regulators and pivotal "gatekeeper" genes in pluripotency and lineage differentiation.

+view abstract Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio), PMID: 23034951 2012